Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BBS Ranked in Boston Globe's Top Places to Work for 2013!

We are so proud to announce that we have been nominated and ranked with The Boston Globe for Top Places to Work in 2013!

"It is so great to be ranked by The Boston Globe for Top Places to Work!" - BBS Hiring Manager

The Boston Globe will be holding a celebratory cocktail reception for the top recipients of the award at the Seaport Boston Hotel on Thursday, November 14th.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Happy Boss Day!!

Just want to wish our Management Team a HAPPY BOSSES DAY!
THANK YOU for being the co-captains of our ship and providing us with the guidance, support and structure that we need for the journey down our future career paths!
Be sure to appreciate your boss today (if you have some fabulous ones like we do)...
**.We really do have the best bosses.**

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

BBS Raised Money for Operation Smile at the Irish Heritage Festival!

The winning family of our Operation Smile Charity Raffle!
Check out our latest charity event for Operation Smile!

This past Sunday, October 13th, 2013 BBS, Inc. made the trip down to the annual Irish Heritage Festival of Dorchester to raise money for Operation Smile.

We had a great turn out and with the help of everyone that attended were able to raise $695.00!


Click the link below for further details about the event.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Benefits of Volunteering

Inspired by yesterdays Operation Smile charity event at The Irish Heritage Festival in Dorchester, I think it's important to shed light on why you or YOUR COMPANY should volunteer!

BBS has a long standing history of volunteerism and charity work with various organizations. As a company, we value the ability to give back to our local community as well as the ability to contribute to international charitable organizations.

I came across an article that discusses various ways in which volunteering actually benefits you which can certainly be applied to an entire company!

I understand that we all live busy lives so at times it may seem difficult to give that time, but considering that volunteering is essentially beneficial for all parties involved...do you even have an excuse?

1. Volunteering Connects You To Others

Naturally, volunteering introduces you to so many new people! Whether it be other volunteers or the people that you are donating your time for, volunteering really does expand your network of people. Sometimes you may leave with a new friend or business contact and at the very least you have worked on your social skills!

2. Volunteering is Good for Your Mind and Body

This may sound a little odd but participating in charity work can actually boost your confidence and self worth! It truly does make you feel good to know that you have helped others. After yesterday's event, to walk away from the festival having raised almost $700 was an absolutely amazing feeling! Furthermore, if you plan a charity event that involves a sport, like our Flag Football Tournament last Sunday, then you are out there getting some good old fashioned exercise!

3. Volunteering Can Advance Your Career

Volunteering not only allows you to meet new people (network) but it is also an avenue for you to get experience doing different things. Whether you are looking to move on to a new career or to simply sharpen your skills for your present one, volunteering can certainly have a positive impact on your career.

4. Volunteering Brings Fulfillment to Your Life

In addition to numbers 1,2, and 3, volunteering is fun. It's a nice change of pace to get people out of the office doing different things and definitely brings out different sides of the people that you may not have previously seen. Who knew that your coworker had a killer arm on the baseball field!? It is fun to see different sides of your peers and to be able to bond with them on different levels outside of the office.

There is an endless amount of charitable organizations out there so be sure to find the right fit that works for you...so just get out there and try something new!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Leave Your Comfort Zone!

Inspired by today's leadership meeting run by one of our very own top leaders, I wanted to find the perfect quote about leaving your comfort zone.

The three images listed below were a few that really stuck out and should inspire you to leave your comfort zone!

Good-bye Comfort Zone

comfort zone

Comfort zones are for wimps

.Leave your comfort zone today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

BBS Inc. Facebook - Like Us!

We've got to hit our mark.

Help our company get to 500 likes by the end of the month.

Please share with your friends and help us reach our goal!

To participate and support our company please visit: 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Find Your Motivation For Productivity! ~Hump Day~

It's Hump Day!

What does that mean --> to some it may mean that you need a little motivation to 'get over the hump.' 

Whether it's a lack of caffeine or an unsettling need for the weekend to come, it can definitely be difficult to maintain productivity through out the week...BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT!

We all get it. We have all been there.

Trust me...your boss will appreciate you taking the time to read through this...!

1. Establish a Routine

A routine is key when trying to 'stay on top of things' and be productive. Start your routine from the moment you wake up in the morning (and yes, try to wake up early). You can make coffee first thing, go for a run or start right off with a shower...whatever you do just do it the same way each morning to establish that routine. This will help get your mind right and prepare you to dive head first into you to do list at work!

2. Be organized

This is one of my personal favorites! Organization really does help with eliminating unnecessary stress...TIME MANAGEMENT PEOPLE! Use a planner, your Blackberry, a desk calendar or an old fashioned hand written to do list! Whatever works for you do it, I happen to love crossing things off on my checklist! Cross one task off and move on to the next.

3. Make deadlines

Establishing a deadline is like running in a road race. You set mini goals through out your day, just like passing a check point in a race. You use these checkpoints as motivation to get you to the finish line, or your deadline. If you have to send off that final report by the end of the day, try setting mini goals of where you want to be by a certain time, this will help you to meet your deadline by the end of the day.

4. Take Small Breaks

Giving your brain and your body a mini break once or twice through the day will absolutely help with your productivity. When I feel like I am about to go cross-eyed from staring at a computer, I will go for a walk around the building to get some fresh air. Stepping away from that desk for a few minutes each day will be like hitting that refresh button on your internet browser, new and fresh ideas will come through...you will see everything through brand new eyes!

5. Stay Motivated

Staying interested in what you are working on is a way to keep your motivation. If you aren't interested/motivated then your job will actually seem like work. Try making boring monotonous tasks fun somehow, make a little game out it! Most likely if your boss or Professor (if you are in school) gives you a task or assignment, it is because it needs to get done. Find your own way to maintain or find motivation ALL DAY.

6. Know yourself

Regardless of what advice is given to you, even the advice that I have given to you today, find what works best for you! Each person is unique in what works for them so it's so important to find what works for you and only you. Knowing yourself certainly will directly effect your productivity! 

I assure you that each of these 6 Tips will help you be productive. Not only will YOU feel less stressed, but accomplishing more things at work and doing those things well will certainly be noticed by your peers as well!

~ Follow these 6 steps and BOOM, you are now productive ~

. Happy Hump Day.
