In today's competitive market more people are working longer hours, which is leading to overworked employees unable to do their best work. For those who have ever felt there is never enough time in the day to get everything done you hoped to accomplish, here are three ways to make sure you and your employees are being efficient with your time.

1. Identify and focus on your biggest priorities:
According to the Pareto Principle, 80% of the value comes from 20% of the work. Businesses need to focus their efforts on what creates the most value for them and spend less time or cut out objectives that don't. In addition to tasks, looking at which customers are creating the most revenue can help with narrowing marketing efforts and save money.
2. Write down and complete two objectives every week:
It's easy at work to get side-tracked with phone calls, emails, and other less important tasks, which can add up during the day, making it difficult to finish other more important objectives. To avoid getting distracted by these lesser tasks set goals to motivate and monitor success. Businesses who have their employees write down two goals and objectives every week get their employees to focus on what is important and prioritize their time around their goals.
3. Outsource noncore work:
When a business prioritizes their objectives, and finds certain aspects that create little value and take up a lot of time --> outsource it. Hiring another company to do noncore work will save time and money, because employees will be able to focus on work that creates value. THIS CONCEPT OBVIOUSLY APPLIES TO LARGER BUSINESSES.